The fifth season of the Girls TV show is scheduled to be released on HBO in early 2016. The popular TV series that has become iconic for most of its viewers will be out at the same time as always on the same channel. HBO’s directors have confirmed the information on the comedy show’s extension.
As the fourth season of Girls premiered in New York in 2014, Michael Lombardo, the head of the HBO network, has announced that there will another season of the show, the 5th one. Apart from the ever-growing audience of the hilarious TV series, good ratings and the Golden Globe nomination did their magic and played the crucial part in the decision to extend the popular show.
Girls: season 5 will be out in the beginning of 2016, which means that a little patience from the fans is required.
January 2016 is the month when the Girls show will be resumed with the new episodes. The series will be available on DVD by the end of 2016, and the Blu-ray release will follow it immediately.
Are you watching the show? Will you be waiting for Girls: season 5 along with the rest?
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