Bad Girls Club (often referred to as BGC) is a reality TV series created and released in the USA. The creator of the series is Jonathan Murray. The release was carried out by Oxygen network with the first season release date on the 5th of December 2006. The series continues up to the present. The show follows seven highly aggressive and unruly women and their constant confrontations. Their lives are filled with psychological and physical problems of all sorts and the show demonstrates the way they manage to bear them. The cast consists of women of a different kind – they are different in character and lifestyle. They are tough, charismatic and charming at the same time able to create a perfect natural drama for TV without overacting. They lead luxurious lifestyle living in wonderful mansions following certain rules. Bad Girls Club season 17 release date hasn’t been announced yet, but the filming for the 17th season is being held and the date will soon be announced.
The aim is to stay in the project till the end of every new episode. The participants are violent and hostile. The participants ignoring the rules of the project can be eliminated. There are also security guards constantly following the participants assigned to control the situation. The participants often experience bullying and home troubles mixed with their selfishness and narcissism. Sometimes, bad girls leave the project on their own. When one of the bad girls leaves the show, the other one enters the project.
Girls antagonize each other, attend night parties and start sexual relationships attempting to get what they want in their personal lives. They clash in conflicts abusing each other. They try to cope with each other sometimes altering rebellious behavior. From time to time, the participants of the show have to pass through certain challenges and complete specific goals set by the creators of the show.
A Bad Girl gets what she wants. Her ways never correspond to rules or apologies. She never cares about obstacles. She forces her way to becoming best while others are dreaming to turn into her.
17th season Air Date
Bad Girls Club was prolonged for season 17, however, the producers aren’t ready to say when it will be released, cause the series is non-scripted. We will share news as soon as Bad Girls Club is officially prolonged for the 17th installment.
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