The Westbrooks is a reality TV series created and released in the USA. The series concentrates on lives of five sisters named India, Crystal, Bree, Morgan and Brooke and the way they get hold of social media getting increasing popularity. The first season of the reality was released in July of 2013. The Westbrooks season 2 release date hasn’t been announced yet, but the producers aren’t planning to wrap up the project.
The heroines of the show are 5 sisters chronicling the events of their lives every single day. They post pictures, share videos and chat with fans. They make hundreds of perfect pictures a day attracting millions of users from all over the planet. This group of beautiful ladies attracted attention of advertisers who started providing them with impressive sums of money for promoting make up, clothing and numerous brand items. For example, India and Crystal deal with advertising clothing items and shoes. Morgan promotes music pieces (including her personal ones) additionally demonstrating her enthusiasm for motorcycles. Brooke deals with sports and Bree deals with plus size clothing.
The curious thing is that these girls seem to be able to beat the Kardashians in ratings doing perfect job in social media and entertaining their fans. They do perfect marketing earning impressive sums of money using their enthusiasm and natural charisma. Their family relationship attracts tons of people from all over the world. Now the sisters have millions of followers slowly building their new personal empire. Looks like there’s a lot more they can share in comparison to the Kardashians – they are charming, free spirited, talented and simply gorgeous. This inspired BET create a reality project with the focus on the Westbrooks family portraying their everyday life in every new episode.
The cast includes Bree Westbrooks, Brooke Westbrooks, Crystal WestBrooks, India Love Westbrooks and Morgan Westbrooks. The filming is done in LA, California.
2nd Season Air Date
Unfortunately, there was no news on the possible release of The Westbrooks in the upcoming year. However, the show enjoys increasing ratings and growing popularity. These charming women actually have talent and they will do their best to succeed. When it gets to the popularity in social media, they know how to behave! We will notify you as soon as we find out the 2nd season release date.
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