The Guardians Season 2

The Guardians is a reality TV series created and released in the USA. The release was carried out by Animal Plant channel with the first season release date on the 7th of January 2017. The Guardians season 2 release date is unknown yet, The show is still going in its first season and we’ll have to wait for more information about the future of the project. The show is currently produced by Brian V. O’Toole, Christopher Voos, and Dawn Sinsel.


The Guardians Season 2 Release Date
The founder of Guardians of Rescue is Rob Misseri – the leader of the cast. He works together with a team of professionals. The team includes Dori, Moose, Brian, Face, Marceline, Ms. Elle, Amanda, and Bill. Some of them are former military people and police detective that decided to work after the retirement. There are also ex-investigators from FBI, electricians, carpenters. The most shocking people of the crea are former gang members and convicts. All these different people are united by one aim – passion for animals and their protection. They vote for true advocacy for animals. You shouldn’t pay attention to their appearance and tough behavior. That’s a mask hiding true emotions and unlimited love for animals. These people are not what they seem to be. They are always ready to help animals desperately crying for help. The clients truly appreciate it.
They help all animals they have to starting from stray dogs and cats finishing with horses and wild animals. These cute and seemingly strong and persistent creatures often get stuck in situations where only humans can give a hand. They help starving, misbehaving, sick and wounded animals.

2nd Season Air Date

Animal Planet never shared official information about the continuation of the project and its possible future in the second installment. Of course, it attracts a ton of attention from numerous viewers from lover of animals from all over the world, but it looks like the producers are willing to get more info on the ratings and popularity of their project before they decide to prolong The Guardians. Don’t forget to subscribe to know when the new episode of The Guardians will be released. Willing to share your opinion? Feel free to leave it down below. Do you like the project? Is it enjoyable or there’s something you’re willing to change?


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