The Boonies is a reality TV series created and released in the USA. The release was carried out by National Geographic channel with the first season release date on the 19th of January 2016. The cast is made up of people who decided to live their lives off the grid and away from the society’s habitual ways. The Boonies season 2 release date is unknown, but the show hasn’t been canceled yet.
The world of today is stuffed with tons of technologies and devices simplifying our lives to the minimum. However, not everyone considers it acceptable. There’s a number of people that decided to separate from the society and go places where no one expects people to live. These outcasts can be found in truly extreme places from tops of mountains to deep underground caves.
If you’re surrounded by wilderness, you have to find someone to rely on in hardest circumstances, because nature is mostly unforgiving. Allies are important if you live on the edge of the world – just a little help can change life.
The participants of the project grow their own vegetables and fruits protecting the crops from animals and severe weather conditions. Some of them manage to find truly unpredictable solutions. For example, Jeanny and Doc Leverett decide to move their garden to the top of their tree house to protect the vegetables from local bears. Now they’re working on the way to get water this high.
Independence is hard to get while living out in the wild. Getting medicines, food, and various essentials is an everyday fight costing sweat and blood.
People living alone always have work to do and it’s often a lot more than household chores. The participants of this reality have to protect their dwellings from Mother Nature’s horrible surprises and various intruders.
Nature never stops presenting challenges. Bear Claw, one of the participants of the series used to live in an underground home. But after the earthquake, he has to find a way to revive his home and make it comfortable again. At the same time, Jeanny and Doc had to face wildfires always getting close to the tree house where they live.
With drops of temperature, the participants of the reality have to search for stockpile resources and fill their freezers with food. Some of them are allergic to cold, which makes the situation even more difficult.
2nd Season Air Date
National Geographic shares no info about when The Boonies reality series will be released. However, the project is still on, and you’ll be notified as soon as we get more info about the new episode of the show.
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