The subject of crime is often demonstrated in various documentary series, where detectives or ordinary enthusiasts try to get to the truth and reveal old secrets. But a new project Lawless Oceans on a famous television channel National Geographic will not be about the most common form of crime – about illegal actions not on the land, but on the water, in the seas and oceans, where the law is also violated often. Such a show will be a real discovery for all viewers, because on the screens there is rarely information about different crimes of this kind that, however, in the modern world may be met very often. Therefore, every new episode of this series the audience watched with interest, and now the public wants to see the continuation. Unfortunately, so far there hasn’t been finale information concerning when Lawless Oceans season 2 will air, but the coming of the next season two seems quite predictable as a number of people are eager to watch the continuation, and the creators are likely to return a renewed series on TV.
Authors and Producers
The pilot season premiere was presented to the whole world on January 10, 2017. The first part of the series included 6 episodes.
The directors of the series are the following people:
- Alex Nott;
- Darius Bazargan;
- Chris Lent;
- Nick Norman-Butler.
There are also people responsible for the presentation of the second season air date and promoting the show in mass media. They are producers, and their crew includes such members as:
- Jeremy Dear;
- Meg Bernard;
- Krystina Meens;
- Emma Cleave.
The host and the main presenter of Lawless Oceans is Karsten von Hoesslin, a private investigator tracking down various criminal cases.
The company producing the program is Wall to Wall Media, the studio that is working over the following part; the channel broadcasting the project is National Geographic, the one which is going to present the next season release date.
Plot Review
As it has already been mentioned, the main aim of the project Lawless Oceans is to show people that crimes are often committed not only on land, but also at the sea. Moreover, as it turned out, many viewers completely do not imagine the scope of all offenses committed on the water. This is not only piracy, typical for an African coast, but also drug trafficking, murders, etc. The main problem is that it is more difficult to track such crimes than ordinary ones, because many of them occur in waters where the law of that or country does not exist and where such cases do not fall under the jurisdiction of a particular state. The cast of the show is not large; the main character is detective Karsten von Hoesslin playing himself and investigating various criminal cases.
Series Rating and Possible Renewal
On a popular website IMDB Lawless Oceans has got a rating of 7.9/10, and this is rather a good result for a documentary series. The average number of viewers is 300,000, and all these people do want the first season to be the last one. Stay tuned to know about the possibilities for continuation and find out when new season will air with its new episodes.
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