Ink Master is a reality competition TV series created and released in the USA. The release was carried out by Spike channel with the first season release date on the 17th of January 2012. Every new episode of the series is devoted to tattoo artists competing against each other in trick challenges to demonstrate their artistic skills and get the main prize all together with the title. The panel of judges is made up of well-known tattoo professionals and experienced enthusiasts able to evaluate the quality of the work performed by the participants. One of the contestants should be eliminated in every episode. The winner of the show gets $100,000 cash prize and the Ink Master title. The production of the show is carried out by Original Media. The co-production is done by Miami Ink reality show. Ink Master season 9 release date hasn’t been announced yet, but the show is still going.
Almost every episode of the show follows one and the same format except for some tiny alterations.
At first, the participants get through Flash Challenge to evaluate the skill of the week of every participant. Flash Challenges usually include tattooing; however, normally the act of tattooing is not shown. Non-related artistic skill are evaluated. They are etching, burning, painting, hair cutting, or something else. The one who wins the flash challenge gets the right to choose a human canvas or pair up with another master.
Elimination Challenge follows Flash Challenge. A further skill test includes tattooing on a human canvas. The participants should stick to a certain tattooing style. When the participants get paired up with canvases, they’re given time to get ready for the assignment. It generally takes one day. The following day they have 6 hours to perform the design they’ve planned. When the challenge is over, the participants meet the judges and listen to their commentary on the works. In the end of every episode, one of the participants is eliminated and one of them is announced the winner.
The cast of judges includes Dave Navarro, Chris Núñez and Oliver Peck. They’ve participated in the filming of all of the episodes of the show so far. Guest judges were invited from time to time. It usually happened at the elimination challenge in the end of every week.
9th Season Air Date
Spike channel shares no news about when they will revive Ink Master for season 9, but the series is still on with more episodes to be released in the nearest future.
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