Utawarerumono: The False Faces is an anime series presented in a form of a visual novel created in Japan with the first season release date on the 4th of October 2015. The series wrapped up in March of 2016. The production was carried out by KlockWorx, AQUAPLUS, King Records and Toranoana. That’s an action, drama, fantasy series that were later turned into an anime TV series. The first season release date of the anime version is the 3rd of April 2006. The show wrapped up in September of the same year. Sentai Filmworks licensed the English version of the anime project. Utawarerumono: The False Faces season 2 release date hasn’t been announced yet and no one knows whether the project is still on or not. The full voice cast can be found on IMDb.
Every new episode of the anime series follows Hakuoro. He’s lost, but one day he is found by a family consisting of a woman with her two granddaughters. They live in a local village situated not far from the forest where the main hero got lost. He’s lost in his memories and is severely injured. The family helps him to recover. Hakuoro slowly becomes one of the locals and joins the society of the village. Everything seems to be perfect, but in a short period of time, the main character gets to know that the village is under control of a greedy and cruel emperor. Hakuoro heads the rebellion in order to get rid of the emperor’s rule. Eventually, he is chosen to rule the country. Hakuoro names it Tusukuru to honor the grandmother of those girls who saved him.
The affairs of the country seem to get to normal; however, Hakuoro realizes that sustaining peace is not an easy thing to do. He participates in numerous bloody battles to protect the freedom of people. He also gets acquainted with different warriors from other places. This way Hakuoro’s family gets bigger and bigger. His rule is flawless and his ability to make right decisions is deeply respected.
The storyline develops elements of science fiction. The fantasy world where the action of Utawarerumono is set is filled with mysterious creatures and new types of human beings.
2nd Season Air Date
White Fox studios shares no information about the future of Utawarerumono: The False Faces in its second installment. You will be notified when more reliable facts about the show and the broadcasting channel are announced.
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