Re-Kan! Season 2

We are ready to help you in getting new facts and news on the upcoming TV projects, their creators, actors, their plot and possible broadcast dates. If you’re in desperate search of anything relating to Re-Kan! and its 2nd season, you’re in the right place. Check this out. The airing of the adaptation started in April and finished in June 2015.

General Overview

Re-Kan! (or Sixth Sense!) is a Japanese fantastic anime series based on Manga Time Jumbo magazine stories.
Re-Kan! Season 2 Poster
The plotline follows a girl from high school named Hibiki Amami. She’s gifted – she has a sixth sense that helps her perceive the ghosts and interact with them. She gets in contact with supernatural creatures and talks to animals.  She gets to a new school and finds new friends. The story depicts their antics. For more info on the characters and the plot read further.

The Characters and the Voices

Re-Kan! Season 2 Cast

  • Hibiki Amami. Voiced by: Ibuki Kido. A beautiful easy-going girl that can get in contact with supernatural things and spirits. She got this gift after her mother. She’s polite both to people and ghosts.
  • Narumi Inoue. Voiced by: Miku It?. Classmate of Hibiki. She was firstly afraid of her but later became one of her best friends. The spirit of her grandma constantly haunts her.
  • Kana Uehara. Voiced by: Riho Iida. Kyoko’s friend from the childhood. Likes to make photos of ghosts and sharing them in her blog.
  • Ky?ko Esumi. Voiced by: M.A.O. She is a classmate of Hibiki. She’s quite rough and attacks Kenta for silly actions. She’s often called a Red-haired Messiah. Although, she’s caring and does her best to help resolve the troubles.
  • Makoto Ogawa. Voiced by: Erii Yamazaki. Another classmate. She’s a cheerful character fond of zombie dolls.
  • Kenta Yamada. Voiced by: Yoshitaka Yamaya. One more classmate and the only boy in the class.
  • Asahi Amami. Voiced by: Wataru Hatano. Father of Hibiki. Hates everything connected with supernatural activity.
  • Y?ki Inoue. Voiced by: Ayahi Takagaki. Narumi’s cousin.
  • Masaki Yamada. Voiced by: Shuhei Kajikawa. Elder brother of Kenta. He’s a police officer and he’s in love with Kyoko.

Re-Kan! Season 2 Promo

Season 2 Release Date

The first season of Re-Kan! is finished and it consisted of 13 episodes. There’s no official info about the release date of the second season of the series, so, let’s hope for the better! Comment down below if you can add more to the article.


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