Stories about heroes are constantly revealed in various anime series of eastern production, where the main characters often have magical powers and can withstand the forces of evil, fighting enemies. The series named Lance N’ Masques, which was presented on TBS channel in 2015, had a good success with the public. Perhaps the show ratings were not very high, but the continuation of the project is still being awaited for a large number of viewers who send the creators of the series one and the same question: when will Lance N’ Masques season 2 release date be announced? The coming of the next part will be a real pleasure for many anime lovers, who are waiting for a new episode hoping that the continuation will be even more interesting than the first part of the project.
Authors and Creators
The first season premiere of Lance N’ Masques was presented on October 1, 2015, and the last one aired on December 17, 2015. The whole season includes 12 episodes, and this may be not much for an ordinary anime show, but possible continuation is believed to contain more parts.
The director of the project is a Japanese author Kyōhei Ishikuro, who has managed to create the series interesting for viewers and develop its idea. In the process of creating he was helped by another good filmmaker Hideaki Koyasu, responsible for the script of the anime.
The studio producing the cartoon is Studio Gokumi, a Japanese company involved in creating anime series. The most famous network broadcasting the show is TBS.
Plot Review and Cast
The series tells the story of a great warrior Yōtarō Hanabusa who is a member of the clan of modern knights of the 21st century. The heavy burden that rests on his shoulders, in the end, bores him, and he decides to leave his order and become an ordinary person in order to forget about the hardships and worries of the past life. While in search of the way, he unexpectedly meets a defenseless girl Makio Kidōin, who he later begins to take care of. This young man is hiding from her his true identity and his past, introducing himself to her as a "Knight Lancer".
The characters of Lance N’ Masques speak the voices of such actors as:
- Yōtarō Hanabusa’s voice belongs to Daiki Yamashita;
- Makio Kidōin is presented by voice actress Ari Ozawa;
- Alice Cleveland is the character voiced by Suzuko Mimori;
- Yoriko Sudō’s character is presented by Manami Numakura;
- Sae Igarashi, whose voice belongs to Yumiri Hanamori, and some others.
Possible Renewal and Prospects
The second season air date hasn’t been mentioned yet, but a lot of critics and ordinary viewers suppose, that the series will not get continuation because of many drawbacks the show has. They believe that a renewed part won’t bring new interesting plot twists and consider the return of Lance N’ Masques shouldn’t be awaited because of a low rating (on IMDB the series has got 5.1 score). But there are still a lot of fans who want to know the second new season release date and hope that the authors soon will present the schedule of it episodes. Stay tuned to check this information and get all the latest news on your own.
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