Dog Days Season 3

We are ready to help you in getting new facts and news on the upcoming TV projects, their creators, actors, their plot and possible broadcast dates. If you’re in desperate search of anything relating to Dog Days and its 3rd season, you’re in the right place. Check this out. The airing of the adaptation started in April and finished in June 2015.

General Overview

Dog Days is an anime TV series by Masaki Tsuzuki. The series is produced by Seven Arcs. There were 13 episodes broadcast by Tokyo MX and by some other channels. The airing started in April  and finished in June 2011. Then the second season was released. It was aired from July to September 2012 with the same amount of episodes. The third season started in January 2015.
Dog Days Season 3 Poster

Plot, Crew and Cast Details

Shinku Izumi is the main character of Dog Days. He’s half Japanese and half Cornish. He’s a cheerful, easy-going young man studying at Kinokawa International School. He leads his habitual everyday life until he gets into a parallel world of Flonyard. It looks almost the same as the usual humans’ world. There’s only one slight difference – all those who live in this world have animal ears and tails. The dog-like Princess of the Biscotti Republic asks Shinku to protect their world from the evil forces of Galette Lion Dominion.
After they make the deal, Shinku gets a unique weapon called the Palladion. No he is officially named a Hero who is going to battle for Biscotty. This war is different from the ones happening on Earth. It’s got rules and looks more like a competition. All of the kingdoms participating in this competition have a chance to raise their funds. The one who wins gets a large sum. Shinku wins battle after battle, but later he gets to know that he can’t get back to his home world. He decides to act as a Hero of Biscotty until the scientists find a way for him to get back home.
Dog Days Season 3 Promo
Shinku finally gets back home. He gets back to the parallel world in order to visit his friends and get on adventures with them. His cousin named Nanami Takatsuki is a very strong and gifted athlete that is chosen as a Hero of Galette. Now Shinku has to face his cousin and his good friend named Rebecca Anderson.

Facts and More

  • The phrase "dog days" is usually used to describe the hot summer days.
  • There’s a novel with four chapters based on the anime series. It’s published by Kadokawa Shoten. They later created a manga series with illustrations of Takuya Fujima. The company also released drama CDs.

Dog Days Season 3 Cast

Season 3 release date

The third season of the project was officially announced on the 25th of November 2012 by Takuya Fujima – the manga artist. On the 24th of June 2014 Katsuya Kikuchi – the chief animator – posted via Twitter that the fans will have to wait more cause the series was still in production at that time. More info on the series and its continuation was revealed on the 15th of August 2014. The premiere episode of the third season of Dog Days was shown in January 2015. The official name of this part of the anime project is Dog Days Double Dash.


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