Special Forces – Ultimate Hell Week Season 2

BBC has always been perfect at creating or promoting new inspiring projects with real people in real-life circumstances. The viewers are fond of experiencing sincere emotions in tough non-scripted projects. The project we’re going to talk about today was released on the 30th of August 2015.

In Brief

That’s an exciting British TV project about strength and immense physical and mental power. It’s filled with ultimate challenges for the participants pushing their forces to the limit. The veterans taking part in the project has to face ultimate strength and endurance tests, work in cooperation with Special Forces of different countries. Recruits pass through hardest of breakouts day and night.The challenges they have to stand are totally unpredictable. The show appeals mostly to
Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week Season 2 Poster
The challenges they have to stand are totally unpredictable. The show appeals mostly to male audience with its rough format elements. They say that it’s one of the toughest TV projects of our time.

Show’s Potential

The start of the second season depends on the viewers’ feedback and on the amount of applicants. The project is quite challenging, demanding not only physical, but also psychological stability. The auditions for the second season will start in February this year and all the details about the future of the project will be known since then. Follow the posts in social media and share the news on Special Forces – Ultimate Hell Week with you friends in order to help the project get renewed.
Special Forces - Ultimate Hell Week Season 2 Promo

Release Date Info

The second season of Special Forces – Ultimate Hell Week hasn’t been announced or scheduled yet. Let’s keep our fingers crossed hoping that BBC will get enough applications in order to complete the set of participants for season 2. Every single application is thoroughly studied so that the creators of the show are sure the contestants will be able to perform throughout the project with no accidents. The tasks they’re going to perform are going to be a lot harder than in the first season if BBC gets the full list of participants.


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