OutDaughtered Season 2

This reality TV project was created in the USA. The show is broadcast by TLC with Adam and Danielle Busby as central characters. This couple is always ready to show off and demonstrate their skills in truly unpredictable family life circumstances. They have quintuplets. All-female gang of quintuplets. Their cuties are now a bit more than a year old. Busby family shares their chronicles of life with five unexpected little gifts. Both of them say that they’ve been laughing hysterically when they’ve got to know they’re going to have five newborn girls. How the hell could this happen to five normal people? Probably, they’ve just struggled too much…

Keeping Up With New Responsibilities

At the beginning, Adam and Danielle thought it to be impossible to keep up with new unpredictable responsibilities. Feeding for every three hours, dealing with babies’ crying in the middle of the night and falling completely asleep while holding the feeding bottle next to a baby’s mouth. No sleep, no personal time, no way to relax.
OutDaughtered Season 2 Poster
That was the first phase and later those cute little devils finally started to sleep better, eat better and behave better. However, they faced a new difficulty – teeth growing. A non-stop process filled with constant crying and more sleepless nights.
Each day of parenting was getting more and more challenging. Five babies with five new troubles upcoming with every single new day. Baths, diapers, teeth, walks and more… Experience the parents get is great: to be able to laugh about toughest of situations while babies are crying and screaming. They manage to keep smiling and lead their happy family life together.

Viewers’ Attitude

Some of the viewers feel kinda jealous and frustrated about the money spent on kids. Most of the families in the USA have no chances to spend such an amount of money on clothing, toys and expensive restaurants. Tons of donated money makes the viewers feel uncomfortable about the show. Besides, this amount of children is not considered to be a miracle. It’s mostly due to the result of medicinal actions.


Elder daughter in the family. Always ready to help making constant efforts in bringing up babies. However, she never feels less special than her five sisters – she understands that her role is necessary. Her duties are not that hard for her – her new five sisters are like five new live baby dolls. She’s truly smart.

Release Date

The feedback is mixed but the viewership is kinda stable. There was no official announcement about the continuation of the series and renewal of it for the second season. Stay tuned and don’t forget to share what you know in the comments below.



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