American Ninja Warrior is a sports competition TV series created as a spin-off of the Japanese TV series known as Sasuke. The participants of the show compete for the title of American Ninja Warrior facing numerous challenges with various obstacles of increasing difficulty. The series started airing on G4 channel. Later it started airing on NBC all together with Esquire Network. The first season release date is the 12th of December 2009. American Ninja Warrior season 9 release date hasn’t been announced yet, but the series is planned to be continued.
American Ninja Warrior was created for a large number of Americans willing to participate in Sasuke challenges. In 2012, the finalists of the previous games all together with new competitors got a chance to take part in the same challenges without traveling to Japan. The competition is filmed in Las Vegas.
In every new episode, the contestants pass through a series of challenges to get a chance to become the American Ninja Warrior. More than 3,500 have already tried to win.
The cast includes Matt Iseman, Akbar Gbaja-Biamila and Kristine Leahy as the presenters of the show.
Mount Midoriyama is a challenge consisting of four stages with 23 obstacles of increasing difficulty.
- Stage 1. Tests the participants’ speed and agility. Time is limited.
- Stage 2. Tests the participants’ speed and upper body strength. Time is limited.
- Stage 3. Tests the participants’ grip and upper body strength. This stage doesn’t have a time limit.
- Stage 4. Tests the participants’ ability to rope climb. Time is limited.
Contestants’ Eligibility
The regulations for the competition require the participants to be eligible and meet the following requirements:
- They must be US citizens.
- They must have decent physical shape.
- They must be 21 and more years old.
- They must make a submission video (2 – 8 minutes) and fill in the questionnaire.
Eventually, the producers pick out a hundred of participants. A number of applicants grew with every new season. About a thousand applied for season 1, more than 5000 applied for season 6, about 50,000 applied for season 7 and more than 70,000 applied for season 8.
9th Season Air Date
The seventh season of American Ninja Warrior wrapped up on the 12th of September 2016. The series has been renewed for the ninth season. We will inform you about the changes in the schedule and notify when we get new info on further releases of the series.
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